Wednesday, February 9, 2011

வஞ்சிரம் மீன்/ vanjiram meen/ Spanish mackeral

Narrow-barred (Spanish) mackerel

Spanish Mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson)

Photograph by Don Tuma & Tony Waller
Spanish Mackerel fillet
Spanish Mackeral contains a good amount of Omega-3 which is very good for health, but also contains 0.730 ppm of methyl mercury concentration level. So it is better to include a very limited number of serves per month.

நம் வீடுகளில் மீன் கழுவும் போது, நன்றாக உரசி, தேய்த்து கழுவுவதன் காரணம் இந்த methyl mercury யை அகற்றுவதற்கோ? தெரிந்தவர்கள் எங்களுக்கும் தெரிய படுத்துவீர்களா?


For the paste

5-8           pieces of fish
1-tsp        chilli powder
1/2 tsp     turmeric powder
salt          as required
1 tsp        lemon juice
1 tsp        garlic- fennel seed paste

For frying

2-3 tbsp   oil


Mix all these ingredients together to make a fine paste.
Marinate the fish pieces after coating them well with this mixture for half an hour.

Heat oil in a heavy shallow pan on the stove. (a nonstick pan is preferable)
Place 3 pieces of marinated fish.
When cooked on one side( will take 6 minutes approximately), flip the other side of the fish.
Take off the pieces when it is lightly browned.
Repeat this process for the remaining fish pieces.

When you fry the fish, keep the stove on medium flame.
Take care that it is not over cooked which will make the fish rubbery.


1/2 tsp    cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp    powdered cloves
2            medium size onions
3            tomatoes
1 tsp      chilli powder
1/2 tsp   turmeric powder
1 tsp      fennel powder
2 tbsp     coconut paste
salt       as required
1 tbsp    oil

very little extracted tamarind juice(thick) from one marble size of tamarind 


Cut the onions and tomatoes very finely.
Heat oil in the pan.
Add cinnamon powder and cloves powder.
Add onions and fry till transparent.
Add tomato pieces and fry for 3 minutes.
Add  half a cup of water and chilli powder, turmeric powder, salt and fennel powder.
When all the ingredients combine well i.e., when the onions and tomatoes are cooked very well, you can smash them using your ladle to make it a gravy.
Now add the fish pieces gently in the gravy and cover the pan and cook in a medium flame.
Gently stir now and then so the fish remain intact while cooking.
Add tamarind juice and let it boil for 3 mts.
Add now the coconut paste and let it boil for another 2 mts and then take the pan off the stove.
Garnish with coriander leaves.